Thursday, October 11, 2007

New site that I found...

I don't really have all that much to say today. I've been on msn questions to answer some questions and try to promote this blog a little bit when I found this great site that someone had posted. Click here to check it out. Seems like a pretty cool site to help raise awareness.

If you are reading this and find a site that is really informative, please send me the link in a comment or something so I can post it and share the information! Remember, sharing is caring :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The incredible Breast Cancer Cupcakes...

Now, by popular demand, here are those cupcakes that not only looked great but tasted even better. Thank you sooo much Tiffany, for taking the time to make these.

Remember, if you want to see what else Tiffany is up to, go here. Feel free to subscribe to her blog...and this one if you'd like.

More information on the 3 day walk will follow in future blogs. If you are in Fort Lauderdale, this weekend, October 13th is the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. It's not only great to be outdoors getting some exercise, but it's an emotional event that I encourage everyone to join in on. The women who are constantly fighting the disease, and winning, are amazing and they deserve your support so come on down to Huizenga Plaza in downtown Fort Lauderdale and join us. Click here to learn more.

Breast Cancer Cupcakes

It's October. Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So, in honor of that and to start my fundraising off, my great friend Tiffany Holley and I, made some homemade cupcakes for the office. With these cupcakes we had a sign put out explaining why they have the pink ribbons on them and asking for donations. In the display, it was explained that I'm going to be doing the 3-day walk in San Francisco and any money raised here will be matched by me and go towards Breast Cancer Research.

Now, a little about Tiffany. She is not only an amazing cupcake maker/baker but also an incredible writer. To show off the cupcakes I will post some pictures of the Breast Cancer Cupcakes in my next blog. But, if you would like to check out her writing, which will not only prove entertaining but also informative in ways you would never imagine, take a second to visit her blog.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm in!!!

I just got the email saying that I've got a spot saved for me to do the 3-day walk. I'm pretty excited and I must admit, very nervous about this. This is going to be a huge goal for me to achieve. 60 miles in 3 days is no easy feat. Well, that combined with not really enjoying being out in nature and I'm going to be camping in it...hmmm...not exactly sure that this is the best fit for me. But you know what...I'm sure Breast Cancer isn't really a "fit" for the men and women who get it either. So I'm not allowing myself to do any complaining. It's for an incredible cause and that's all that matters.

My goal now, besides training, is to find someone to go with me to San Diego and raise the necessary funds. If anyone has any good fundraising tips, please comment to let me know.

Here's the actual email:

Dear jayne,
Your spot is saved!
Thanks for stepping up and saving your spot for the 2008 Breast Cancer 3-Day. It's the enthusiasm and support of people like you that make the 3-Day such an incredible journey. We'll be in touch in October when 2008 registration opens. We look forward to working with you, walking with you and bringing hope to the millions of people battling breast cancer.
Your Breast Cancer 3-Day Team

For more information about the Breast Cancer 3-Day, Susan G. Komen for the Cure or the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, visit or call 800.996.3DAY.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

2008 Breast Cancer 3 Day

So, it's official. I'm signed up for the Breast Cancer 3 day walk. I'm going to start training now because although I'm just's 60 miles in 3 days!! I don't think that's something I'm used to and I want to make sure to get through starting training now. If anyone knows of any good tips, please share!! Also, if anyone has done the 3 mile walk I'd really love some insight into what I can expect. I'm already pretty pumped up about it but nervous about going it alone.

If you are interested in signing up for the 3 day walk or would at least like some more information on it, click here.
This was an email I received...can't hurt to help by just clicking...

A favor to ask, it only takes a minute....

Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle). This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some quick tidbits...

Being girly, loving pink and wanting to continue to help the Susan G. Komen Foundation, I found a really cute (not to mention inexpensive) ring that I just had to buy. It can be found at right on the first page. It's the promise ring. Here's some information on the promise ring: "Susan G. Komen for the Cure was born in a promise between Nancy G. Brinker and her dying sister, Susan G. Komen, to save lives and end breast cancer forever. Wear the ring to show you're part of the promise, too. It's a promise that's meant to be shared. And the more people committed to ending this disease, the sooner we'll find a cure. So, give a ring to a friend and pass the promise." Basically, when you order the ring, which is only $5 plus shipping, you get two rings in the mail. You keep one and give the other to a good friend...passing the promise. The promise is for early detection through different steps.

Then, being in a rather shoppy kind of mood, I found another site, thanks to a great blog: The website is and it's got some really great accessories. Money earned from that website helps to fund mammograms. So, it's a win/win.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some Breast Cancer Facts and Information

I’m hoping as you read through this blog you will find some good information and if you have any questions, you can feel free to post your comments and I will answer them as quickly as I can. This blog today is just going to be a couple of quick things I’ve learned through researching Breast Cancer Awareness. Like I said before, as I find information, I will post it in hopes of helping someone to either raise funds for research or help in any other way that I can.
1. The main goal of the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) program is to educate women about Breast Cancer by emphasizing the importance of early detection through screening mammography.
2. The American Cancer Society recommends that women have mammograms once a year beginning at age 40.
3. October is National Breast Cancer Month.
4. On the 3rd Friday in October (that’s October 19th this year), participating radiologists and/or radiology facilities provide discounted or even free mammogram screenings. Here’s a list of numbers to find a place near you:
a. American Cancer Society
b. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
c. National Cancer Institute
d. Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization
5. To find a Making Strides event near you, go to

I hope this information helps someone and please check back often and feel free to add me to your homepage. I will continue to post information as I find it and will also be posting direct findings for the South Florida Making Strides events.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

On Thursday, September 6th at Dave and Buster’s in Hollywood, Fl, the American Cancer Society will be hosting an event for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer from 6-8pm. This will be a great event to attend with many helpful tips on how to raise money creatively and different ways to help keep your team motivated. Also, there will be door prizes and refreshments served throughout the night, so it’s a win/win situation.
I will be attending this event and posting on Friday what I’ve learned. If you are interested in attending also, please feel free to send me a quick email at and I will get the needed information right out to you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness

As the majority of people are probably fully aware, October is National Breast Cancer month. This is a special time for me because I lost my Aunt Karen to the terrible disease about 10 years ago. Since then I have tried to go above and beyond to educate others. My new challenge is going to be keeping up this informational blog with as much research and walks as I can find.
A Little History of Me:
I used to be a teacher at Driftwood Middle School. While at this amazing Health and Wellness school we had a walking contest. The majority of the staff members were soon seen sporting pedometers to measure the amount of steps they were taking. This friendly competition soon got a contest going . Next thing you know the students are purchasing their own pedometers to try to see how many steps they were taking daily.
The above is just one example of how one person can bring about such a positive change. That person, Linda, is an extraordinary individual. She is the positive force that helped many at the school, myself definitely included, to get through a rather rough year. I can’t help but think about how much I owe to her because of the struggle I went through last year with my classes.
Well, while at Driftwood, Linda inspired me to try to get the teachers involved in the Breast Cancer Walk down at Huezanga Park. Although many teachers were not able to because of time conflicts, it was a start. By making more people aware of the walks, more money was raised for the cure. For instance, the principal at Driftwood made a very sizable donation, and did so with no thoughts of praise or gratitude. That was just another example of a fine staff there. When a principal, boss or whomever of high standing can give of themselves, that’s when you know you are at the right place.
Recently though, I’ve changed jobs and now do online marketing. Through all of the learning I’ve encountered, blogs being one of my newest adventures, I’m coming up with new and exciting ways to spread the word about Breast Cancer and the different walks available. For instance, I was looking online to find information on the walk that will be in October down at the Riverfront area and came across an amazing 3-day walk that will be in many major cities. Although it’s not until 2008 that I’ll be going, I went ahead and signed up now so I can have the information soon. More on that walk to come. But, my goal currently is to get a volunteer from Driftwood to continue what I was beginning with teachers volunteering to walk and raise money there and I will do the same here at Hostway, my new job. It’s only a small step but considering last year there were only a few teachers and this year more know about it and there’s a new company that will hopefully get involved, who knows where this can go. Let’s spread the word and get some money raised for a much needed cause! Let’s find a cure for Breast Cancer!