Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some Breast Cancer Facts and Information

I’m hoping as you read through this blog you will find some good information and if you have any questions, you can feel free to post your comments and I will answer them as quickly as I can. This blog today is just going to be a couple of quick things I’ve learned through researching Breast Cancer Awareness. Like I said before, as I find information, I will post it in hopes of helping someone to either raise funds for research or help in any other way that I can.
1. The main goal of the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) program is to educate women about Breast Cancer by emphasizing the importance of early detection through screening mammography.
2. The American Cancer Society recommends that women have mammograms once a year beginning at age 40.
3. October is National Breast Cancer Month.
4. On the 3rd Friday in October (that’s October 19th this year), participating radiologists and/or radiology facilities provide discounted or even free mammogram screenings. Here’s a list of numbers to find a place near you:
a. American Cancer Society
b. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
c. National Cancer Institute
d. Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization
5. To find a Making Strides event near you, go to

I hope this information helps someone and please check back often and feel free to add me to your homepage. I will continue to post information as I find it and will also be posting direct findings for the South Florida Making Strides events.

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